The perfume manufactory J.F. Schwarzlose Berlin was accepted into the German Design Council. The traditional brand is very happy about this award, because a strong design and a strong brand are closely connected.
True to the motto “Design is orientation. Design is differentiation.” the German Design Council pursues the goal of strengthening social awareness of design and supporting companies in all aspects of brand and design development. They offer a forum for a cross-sectoral transfer of knowledge.
Design also plays a formative role for the traditional brand J.F. Schwarzlose Berlin. In 2012, Lutz Herrmann revitalized the J.F. Schwarzlose brand with a successful mix of tradition and modernity. Thus he is the new founder and also the creative director of the brand. Many internationally known perfume bottles and brands bear his signature.
J.F. Schwarzlose Berlin is also included in the publication series “The Great German Brands”. Since 2013, outstanding German brand companies have been presented in a high-quality book form. The book proves that “Designed in Germany” can now keep pace with the label “Made in Germany”. The book is expected to be published in September 2020.