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J F Schwarzlose Berlin Perfume

Authenticity of product reviews

In the past, customers had the opportunity to rate products that they had previously purchased in retail stores. We have not verified these ratings and they are marked accordingly.

Reviews on our website can only be submitted by customers with a registered user account and only for products that they have actually purchased from us. The rating function is therefore only activated after a purchase has been made.

Control of reviews

We use the following mechanisms to check the ratings we receive:

Submission of evaluations with verification

Manual testing mechanisms:

  • Exclusively manual review: We manually sift through and review every incoming rating. In doing so, we check the content of the assessment for logical contradictions and other conspicuous features, among other things.

As soon as an assessment contains anomalies based on our review mechanisms, a detailed manual review of the respective individual cases follows.

All evaluations filtered out in this way are subjected to a general plausibility check by our team.

For the plausibility check, we take into account the entire assessment behaviour of the client and also take a look at the content of the assessment. Here we check whether acquisition and evaluation of the product are in temporal and spatial relation to each other and whether there are contradictions in content. In this way, we address the question of whether the customer has actually used the product.

  • Example: A customer already gives a review about the product one day before the goods were delivered to him or claims to have been using it for a month, although the purchase was only made a week ago.
  • Example: A hand soap is rated with the sentence: “The eau de parfum does not last long enough on the skin.

From the content of the ratings, it is clear that the rating may not match the rated product.

We then try to contact the authors of such conspicuous evaluations in order to be able to verify the statements in their evaluation if necessary. Clarify

If the circumstances change, the valuation is adjusted accordingly. If the circumstances for the rating submission remain too vague and unclear, the corresponding rating remains filtered out. It is not further displayed or not published at all.

All ratings filtered out in this way are not included in the overall rating presented.

A stricter filtering of negative or preferential treatment of positive ratings does not take place. As long as an evaluation meets the above criteria, it will be published equally regardless of whether it is formulated favourably, critically or even pejoratively.

  • Rating policy: We are very pleased if you would like to rate our products. In order for your evaluation to be published, we ask you to observe the following guidelines when submitting your evaluation:
    – The evaluation may of course contain your opinion and, if applicable, criticism. Any form of discrimination and insults, on the other hand, will not be tolerated.
    – It is not allowed to leave advertisements for other products in reviews. – We do not allow reviews from so-called product testers. They must not have received any financial consideration from third parties for the valuation.
    – Reviews must be based on their experience with the product and be truthful. Any form of untrue allegations and attempts at manipulation will not be tolerated.
    – In the event of violations of our rating policy, we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently block user accounts as well as ratings submitted by these users.